What is Wing Chun?
Wing Chun is a close range combat system integrating attack with defense in order to control and neutralise an opponent’s attack while dismantling his own defense, thus creating the opening for a sustained and devastating counterattack. This is achieved through learning to use two or three limbs simultaneously along with enhanced reflexes and trained reactions. The moves are small in number but very flexible and, rather than promoting the use of one move per situation, the style follows an ethos of reacting intuitively in the moment as the situation dictates.

Origin and concept of the art
Originating in Foshan in southern mainland China the Wing Chun martial art system was brought over to Hong Kong by Grandmaster Ip Man, one of whose students was the renowned Kung Fu legend and 1970s film star Bruce Lee whose legacy continues to this day.
A scientific, logical and intuitive fighting system Wing Chun is straightforward in concept and application, enabling the practitioner to defend themself quickly and efficiently while using the minimal amount of energy and effort.

The training syllabus in brief
Students gradually progress through a series of grading levels marked by attaining coloured belts – yellow, red, green, purple, brown and, ultimately, black – which correspond to their mastery of the three open hand forms, the two weapon forms and of the wooden dummy (the classic Wing Chun training aid).
Through the many training techniques taught students will also become proficient at Chi Sau (sticking hands) which develops one's sensitivity and reactions to an opponent's attack, technique drills which improve muscle memory and reflexes, and sparring to prepare the practitioner to react calmly and effectively to the stress of the onset of an attack.