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Training outdoors
Club Dinner 21_12_24.jpeg

Who we are…


The South London Wing Chun Martial Arts Club was founded in 2008 by Sifu Antoni Piwowarski to instruct students in the complete Wing Chun system and thus gain from his many years training in the art. We are a small, friendly club based in Balham, SW12 that welcomes anyone with an interest in developing their confidence, their fitness and also the shared enjoyment of self-development in the challenge of martial arts training.

I used to train in… (karate, judo, aikido etc.)

Whether you have trained in another discipline or not just come along with an open mind… Sifu Toni teaches many fascinating methods of the body dynamics and energy release intrinsic to Wing Chun which, when developed, give the style such power. Once acquired, this body power will revolutionise your martial arts thinking and enhance your wellbeing in everyday life.

Anything other than martial arts to this club…?

Our club curry nights are always enjoyed by our members… dress to impress, bring your sparkling personality and something relaxing and tasty to drink with your new friends!

Training Times

Tuesday evenings

7.30pm – 9.00pm

Click here to email Sifu Toni to arrange your first lesson in Wing Chun

Lochinvar Hall (off Rinaldo Road, turn right into the passageway after the bicycle barriers)
38 Balham High Road
Balham, London

SW12 9AH


Design and photography by Ben Page.  © SLWCMAC 2019

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